The global crisis due to the coronavirus COVID-19 in 2020 is unique
in world history in its scale and impact. We need to overcome this
crisis, but we also need to understand how best to help the individuals
experiencing it, at all scales.
We need to understand the social, mental health, and crisis management impacts of such an event.
How do we find the necessary resources? Or, on the contrary, what are the signs of the mental distress it can cause?
How can we concretely help, on a daily basis, the most fragile members
of our communities by better understanding warnings calls?
How do our adaptation abilities evolve and develop over time?
will enable us to develop tools in the event of a new crisis and to
induce a necessary paradigm shift, making it possible to reduce the
probability of their occurrence as much as possible?
This is the objective set for the COVADAPT study, which the Human Adaptation Institute, in collaboration with researchers from several laboratories and universities including Cermes3, ICM, Univ. Savoie Mont Blanc, Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas (Largepa), has decided to launch at this time, through online surveys designed with specialists from several complementary fields. Your help, if you agree to participate in this study, will be precious to us.
Participate to the study